Dental Trauma

Dental TraumaRock Hill, SC

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    Dental trauma can happen to anyone — anywhere, anytime. Unfortunately, you can take all the necessary precautions and still have something go wrong. Though most dental injuries are minor, patients should take any form of dental trauma seriously and see an endodontist right away.

    Treatment for traumatic dental injuries is available at Tranquility Dental Spa in Rock Hill and the surrounding area. Immediate endodontic treatment can make all the difference when it comes to saving a tooth. Call us today at 980-316-7109 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

    Understanding Dental Trauma

    According to the American Association of Endodontists, dental trauma frequently occurs due to accidents or sports injuries. Most of these injuries are minor, resulting only in chipped teeth. More severe injuries, such as tooth dislodgement, are less common. In any case, patients should seek professional help immediately after suffering any type of dental trauma.

    Endodontists are specialist who diagnose and treat tooth pain, as well as any issues with the tooth pulp. As such, they have received specialized training to treat traumatic dental injuries. Furthermore, the skills, techniques, and technologies they have at their disposal to treat cracked or otherwise injured teeth far surpass those of general dentists.

    Tooth Luxation

    In the simplest of terms, tooth luxation refers to tooth dislodgment. This can be either a visible or invisible phenomenon, and it occurs due to trauma disrupting the ligaments and tissues that hold a tooth in place. At times, it can affect the nerve and blood supply to the tooth. There are five main types of tooth luxation: concussion, subluxation, extrusive luxation, lateral luxation, and intrusive luxation.


    Concussions occur when the periodontal ligaments holding a tooth in place sustain an injury without displacing or moving the tooth., Endodontists typically perform test to check the pulp and tissues surrounding the root tip. These test in addition to taking X-rays will help determine the effect of the impact. If the pulp is normal, the tooth non-mobile, and there is sensitivity to touch the diagnosis will be concussion.


    Subluxated teeth are mobile without being displaced. They may be sensitive to touch, and there may be bleeding around the gum line. X-rays will typically not show any abnormalities with subluxated teeth.

    Extrusive Luxation

    Teeth are classified as extrusive luxations if they are extremely mobile and appear significantly elongated. There may be some separation of the periodontal ligament, causing tooth movement; however, the bony socket will remain intact.

    Lateral Luxation

    Teeth with a fracture of the alveolar bone and separation of the periodontal ligament can be classified as lateral luxations. Such teeth are immobile while appearing to be pushed either forward or backward.

    Intrusive Luxation

    Teeth classified as intrusive luxations are pushed upward into the socket, causing a fracture to the alveolar bone. These teeth are immobile.

    Dental Avulsion

    Dental avulsion is the phenomenon that occurs when a tooth is knocked out entirely as a result of dental trauma. It usually only results from a significant impact to the face and is often accompanied by damage to the surrounding alveolar bone and gingival tissue. The periodontal ligament’s fibers may tear upon external impact to a tooth, leading to partial or total displacement. Neurovascular disruption and pulp necrosis may set in as a result.

    Tooth Fractures

    Tooth fractures are any breaks or cracks in a tooth’s hard shell. Consequently, fractured teeth are often known as cracked teeth. There are many potential causes of a tooth fracture: chewing on hard foods, bruxism (grinding the teeth, especially at nighttime), and more. They may even occur as a natural part of the aging process. There are five main types of tooth fractures: craze lines, fractured cusps, cracks that extend into the gum line, split teeth, and vertical root fractures.

    Craze lines are tiny cracks in the teeth’s enamel that do not cause any pain or require any treatment.

    Fractured cusps are common around dental fillings. They typically do not affect the tooth’s pulp and, consequently, do not cause much pain. Your dentist will restore the tooth with a permanent crown. However, if the crack extends into the gum line or to the root of the tooth, there may be a need for extraction.

    Cracked teeth (crown) extends from the chewing surface of the tooth towards the root. If the cracks terminates in the crown, and if the pulp is not compromised, the treatment plan will be a crown, however, if the crack extends and the pulp is compromised, a root canal will be necessary. A cracked tooth that is left untreated will result in the need for extraction.

    Split tooth is usually a result of a untreated cracked tooth and can never be as a single tooth. Procedures may be provided on multi-root teeth with the position and extent of the problem dictating the outcome of the treatment.

    Vertical Root Fractures are cracks begin below the gum line and travel upward. They generally do not produce any symptoms until they become infected, at which point the tooth will likely require extraction.

    Call Us Today

    You should always treat all cases of dental trauma like an urgent matter. The team at Tranquility Dental Spa can help. Call us today at 980-316-7109 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why should I see an endodontist about my dental trauma?

    All endodontists are dentists, but very few dentists are endodontists. In addition to completing dental school, endodontists must complete two to three years of specialized training in endodontics (the branch of dentistry regarding the tooth pulp, or tooth interior). As a result, they are uniquely qualified in diagnosing and treating traumatic dental injuries with the latest techniques to make the process as painless as they can.

    What is endodontic treatment?

    “Endo” is Greek for “inside,” and “odont” is Greek for “tooth.” All types of endodontic treatment involve ensuring the health of the tooth’s interior. A deteriorating or infected tooth pulp may eventually suffer from pulp necrosis, also known as total tissue death. The pulp also includes the blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue, and it creates the surrounding hard tissues of the tooth during its developmental stages.

    How are tooth fractures treated?

    Tooth fractures are treated with a permanent crown place to cover the tooth. This helps to prevent the fracture from spreading and also prevents bacteria from getting into the inside of the tooth.

    How are dislodged teeth treated?

    Dislodged teeth are repositioned and stabilized with the placement of a splint.

    My tooth got knocked out — now what?

    If your teeth have been avulsed, call our office immediately. The quicker you act, the better your chances of saving the tooth. Refrain from touching the root surface, and bring the tooth to the office with you. The endodontist will evaluate the tooth, reposition it into its socket (if possible), and examine you for any other injuries. You may need to start root canal treatment a week or two later.

    Contact Us

    Tranquility Dental Spa is located at
    775 Addison Ave Suite 111 A
    Rock Hill, SC

    (980) 316-7109